Ryan Saul and Brad Clousing recently sold 2 Skilled Nursing Facilities in Northern Florida. Both facilities have solid reputations and have achieved at least a 40% Medicare mix since 2007. One facility is 60 beds and was developed by the Seller in 1999. The other property is 90 beds originally built as 60 beds in 1993 with a 30 bed Medicare addition in 2007. The dedicated Medicare wings at both locations contribute to the strong financial performance and high Medicare census. The Seller is a Florida based owner/operator. The Buyer is an investment group that leased the operations to a national provider. Senior Living Investment Brokerage sold the two properties for $139,000/bed. To find out how we can assist you in the sale of your seniors housing community, contact Ryan or Brad at 630/858-2501 or ryansaul@slibinc.com or Brad at clousing@slibinc.com