Over the next few months, as state budgets are proposed and discussed, it is likely that many states will unfortunately be forced to look to Medicaid for help in balancing these budgets. Wrong or right, Medicaid is a sizable target and its continued expansion puts significant pressure on every state’s fiscal health. This is exacerbated by the retirement of the enhanced FMAP funding on June 3oth. Less acute remedies, such as eliminating dental programs or slightly tweaking enrollment requirements, were implemented in FY 2011, but 2012 could bring more painful cuts. I would strongly urge industry participants to remain in contact with both state and national health care associations for updates and guidance. Through their PAC programs, these organizations work diligently with lobbyists, Representatives and Senators, to fight for the industry’s best interests. Few can argue the need for a unified front to ensure the voice of the sector is heard in Washington and state capitals across the country. If you have questions on how this may impact you and/or your facility, please contact Jeff Binder at 314-961-0070 or binder@seniorlivingbrokerage.com.