When is the right time to a sell a senior housing property? This can literally be the million dollar question, with an answer that puts everyone on the edge of their chair!
So, in an effort to limit the drama, there is no single ‘right’ answer to this question, as the mysterious ‘crystal ball’ eludes us as well.
The circumstances of each senior housing property sale vary. There are numerous factors that can affect when is the ‘right time’ to sell, such as preferred sale price, local market conditions, property condition, and even buyer financing constraints. Another important factor to consider are interest rates. As interest rates have been starting to creep up recently, cap rates in-turn trend higher, equating to lower sale prices for sellers. With this in mind, now may be an ideal time to consider selling.
With nearly 20 years in business at Senior Living Investment Brokerage, we’ve determined that it is always best to start the process of determining if the timing is right, by offering a complimentary and confidential property valuation to the perspective seller. In doing so, we can provide the owner of the senior housing property with an honest, thorough, and accurate assessment of their property’s value, given the factors listed prior.
With this valuation in-hand, the owner can now make an educated decision on if, and when to list their property, and what can reasonably be expected as a sale price.
The right timing to sell a senior care property is an individual decision, however having realistic price expectations can help to provide guidance. At Senior Living Investment Brokerage, our only focus is the sale of senior living and skilled nursing properties, in a timely, confidential manner.
Contact Information:
To discuss how we can assist you with the sale of your Senior Living Community, contact Brad Goodsell of Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. at 630-858-2501 or goodsell@slibinc.com. We are available to prepare a no obligation property valuation analysis for you.