As a company, Senior Housing Investment Brokerage, Inc. represents many different types of buyers; REITS, Private Equity companies, Regional Operators, Non-Profits and small, privately owned operators. When it comes time to sell, typically the most, or one of the most important factors is obtain the best price possible.
As brokers, owners rely on us to provide them with an accurate assessment of the value of their Seniors Housing Community and suggest a list price to help them obtain the best terms possible in the market place. As a company, over 95% of the time the final sales price is within the price range from our original market analysis. After determining a market value range, the next step is deciding on a list price. Typically, we suggest a list price of about 10% above the market value range. Thus, if we expect a property to sell between $9,500,000-$10,000,000, an appropriate list price would be between $10,500,000-$11,000,000.
Often times, sellers believe that by listing the property at a much higher list price, that it will result in a higher final sales price because buyers will “meet them in the middle.” From our experience, this is rarely the case and a high list price usually results in a much longer process and sometimes even a lower final sales price.
Buyers who have the capital available to purchase a $5, $10, $20+ million property, are very experienced and tend to have tight underwriting guidelines to achieve the returns their investors require. Buyers are not going to be “tricked” into paying more for a property because of a high list price, pride of ownership, or because it is a nice, new building.
A high list price usually results in many buyers quickly passing over the deal because they don’t think the seller is realistic and they don’t want to pursue a property that they think there is very little chance of buying at a market price. When there is little activity at first, and sellers reduce their price to a market price, buyers start to wonder if the seller will continue to reduce their price or if the property has something wrong with it. Both which can cause more delays and decreased interest in the market place.
It is much more effective to have a list price that is realistic and creates a lot of activity from buyers quickly. This creates competition among buyers by getting several offers at once and has a much greater chance of driving the up the price than having a high list price that slowly gets reduced because of inactivity.
If would you like to get an accurate market price analysis, please contact Jason Punzel at punzel@slibinc.com or 630-858-2501.