Matt Alley was hired for a Skilled Nursing Portfolio sale in Texas. The transaction consisted of 3 skilled nursing facilities that included some assisted living units and independent living units. The properties were located in Richardson, Waco and Austin. Waco is 25 Independent Living, 72 Assisted Living units and 90 Skilled Nursing beds on 13 acres of land. Richardson is 62 Assisted Living units and 106 Skilled Nursing beds on 4.75 acres. Austin is comprised of 118 Skilled Nursing beds on 3.75 acres of land. The overall census was 98%, 65% and 85% respectively. There was upside in rate increases on both the Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement structures. The Seller is an independent owner/operator exiting the industry. The Buyer is also an independent owner/operator based out of Louisiana. The portfolio was built between 1986 & 1988 and sold for $30,500,000 at a 9.3% cap rate. For additional information, please contact Matthew Alley at 630/858-2501 or alley@slibinc.com