Michigan Skilled Nursing Sale
Tom Rusthoven recently procured a Michigan Skilled Nursing sale. The skilled nursing sale consisted of a 72 bed. state licensed facility located in Detroit, Michigan. The building was originally constructed in 1957 with an addition and renovation in 2012. The census at the time of sale was an impressive 90% due to the quality of care delivered by the staff. Per the Seller’s direction, terms of the sale are confidential.
Change of Ownership
The Seller was a regional owner operator looking to take advantage of the current, favorable capital markets available to Buyers. The Buyer is an East Coast based owner operator expanding their current presence in Michigan.
Contact SLIB
For additional information on this Michigan Skilled Nursing sale or to meet with Tom to discuss other opportunities in the seniors housing market, please contact Tom Rusthoven of Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. at rusthoven@slibinc.com or call TOm at 630/858-2501