Matt Alley has sold two Texas Skilled Nursing Facilities located in Abilene and Waco. They are both 120 beds and specialize in dementia care. The facilities were owned by a non-profit organization based in Austin. The Seller specializes in Continuing Care Retirement Communities and these were there only stand alone skilled nursing facilities. Built in 1994 and 2004, these high quality facilities were profitable with an average 85% census, but should enjoy the benefits of being part of a large regional operator. The Buyer is a publicly traded REIT specializing in healthcare. The REIT will be leasing the facilities to an operator headquartered in Maryland that operates several SNF’s in Texas. The facilities sold for over $59,000/bed at a 10.4% capitalization rate. For additional information, contact Matthew Alley at 630/858-2501 or alley@slibinc.com