Jeff Binder, Matt Alley and Nick Cacciabando have sold a 56 bed skilled nursing/20 unit assisted living facility in Kansas. The facility is located in Rose Hill, Approximately 18 miles outside of Wichita. The one-story, 33,000 square foot facility was built in 1971 and 1978 and renovated in 2001-2002. At the time of the sale, the census was 94% and the property sold at a 14% cap rate/.97x GIM for $55,900/bed/unit. The Seller was a local owner/operator. Senior Living was able to generate multiple offers and after a competitive bidding process, the successful Buyer was an owner/operator headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with an existing presence in Kansas. For addisional information on this sale or to request a confidential proposal on your seniors housing facility, contact Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc.