Ryan Saul has sold a 292 Bed Skilled Nursing Facility in Norridge/Chicago, Illinois. The 99,979 square foot building on 1.36 acres, sold for over $135,274/bed, a record for Illinois. The Seller is a regional owner/operator who plans on focusing his energies on his other skilled nursing facilities in the Chicagoland area. The Buyer is a Chicago based owner that aligned with a local operator to run the property day to day. The overall census at the time of sale was 89% (23% Medicare/13% Private Pay). The price reflected the reputation of the property coupled with the rare opportunity to acquire facilities on the north side of Chicago. The capitalization rate at the time of sale was 8.10% on approximately $24,000,0000 in revenues. Aside from the record price per bed, the transaction took 47 days from listing engagement to closing. For additional information on this transaction or how Ryan can assist you in buying or selling your seniors housing community, contact Ryan Saul at 630/858-2501 or ryansaul@slibinc.com


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Grant Kief

Author Grant Kief

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